
长江口地区大气湿沉降中营养盐的初步研究 被引量:32

Nutrient elements in the atmospheric wet deposition in Changjiang River estuary
摘要 为了解大气湿沉降对于赤潮发生的影响 ,2 0 0 0年 5月至 2 0 0 1年 4月在嵊泗群岛采集了 6 4个雨水样品 ,并分析了其中的N、P、Si等营养盐的浓度 .结果表明 ,营养盐月平均浓度之间相差较大 ,与风向即不同的污染物来源和降水量等因素有关 ;营养盐季节通量分布不均 ,季节性明显 ,除冬季外 ,其他 3个季节均能成为赤潮的诱发因子 ;NO3 - N、NH4+ N、NO2 - N、PO43 - P和SiO3 2 - Si的年均浓度依次为 2 0 .2 3、30 .14、0 .11、0 .0 4 5和 3.4 3μmol·L-1,年通量分别为 2 .6 7× 10 8、3.98× 10 8、0 .0 14× 10 8、0 .0 0 5 9× 10 8和0 .4 5× 10 8mol,与河流输入量相比 ,湿沉降对营养盐的年输入量较小 . In order to study the effects of atmospheric wet deposition on red tide,five kinds of nutrient elements were measured with 64 rainwater samples collected at Shengsi Archipelago from May 2000 to April 2001. The results showed that there were obvious differences between monthly average concentrations,due to the different resource and precipitation.The variation of seasonal fluxes suggested that the wet deposition might cause red tide except in winter. The annual concentrations of NO 3 -N, NH 4 +-N, NO 2 --N, PO 4 3--P and SiO 3 2--Si were 20.23, 30.14, 0.11, 0.045 and 3.43μmol·L -1,respectively,and their annual fluxes were 2.67×10 8, 3.98×10 8, 0.014×10 8, 0.0059×10 8 and 0.45×10 8 mol, respectively. Compared with river input,they were much more smaller.
出处 《应用生态学报》 CAS CSCD 2003年第7期1107-1111,共5页 Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology
基金 国家重点基础研究发展规划资助项目 (G19990 43 70 5和 2 0 0 1CB40 970 3 ) .
关键词 湿沉降 赤潮 长江口 营养盐 Wet deposition, Red tide, Changjiang River estuary, Nutrient element
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