泰山是我国研究早前寒武纪地质的经典地 ,也是国际早前寒武纪研究的知名地区。泰山北侧张夏的寒武纪地层标准剖面 ,闻名中外。泰山新构造运动普遍而强烈 ,侵蚀地貌发育 ,是研究新构造运动及其形成地貌景观的理想地。泰山地学旅游资源丰富 ,是一个天然的地学博物馆。
Mount Taishan is the representative place for the study of the Ante Cambrian geology in China.And also it is famousarea for this study in the world.It is well known that the Cambrian Period standard strata profile is reserved in Zhangxia which is just located at the North of Mount Taishan.Because of the existence of the common and intense neotectonics of Mount Taishan and the development of the erosion geomorphology,it also plays a great role in the study of neotectonics and the forming of new geomorphology.Mount Taishan is really worth the hname of the natural geo science museum owing to the rich resources of the geo science travel.
Journal of Shandong University of Science and Technology(Natural Science)