This paper proposes a lattice Boltzmann scheme to simulate two-dimensionalfluid transients. A set of multi-scale equations, which characterize the relations between thelattice Boltzmann equation and its corresponding macroscopic equations, were derived by using theChapman-Enskog expansion. Based on these multi-scale equations and the basic equations ofmultidimensional fluid transients, two special lattice Boltzmann models were established. Numericalsimulation of one-dimensional pressure wave transmission and reflection, two-dimensional wave cornerdiffraction and hydraulic transients in a concrete spiral case show that the Lattice BoltzmannMethod (LBM) is a feasible and promising approach to simulate multidimensional transient flows.
This paper proposes a lattice Boltzmann scheme to simulate two-dimensionalfluid transients. A set of multi-scale equations, which characterize the relations between thelattice Boltzmann equation and its corresponding macroscopic equations, were derived by using theChapman-Enskog expansion. Based on these multi-scale equations and the basic equations ofmultidimensional fluid transients, two special lattice Boltzmann models were established. Numericalsimulation of one-dimensional pressure wave transmission and reflection, two-dimensional wave cornerdiffraction and hydraulic transients in a concrete spiral case show that the Lattice BoltzmannMethod (LBM) is a feasible and promising approach to simulate multidimensional transient flows.
ThisworkwasSupportedbytheNationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChina .(GrantNo :5 0 0 0 90 0 7)