

Study on Application of Cybernetics Informatics and System in Sports Mangement
摘要 在竞技体育管理中应用“三论”(系统论、控制论、信息论),它把竞赛作为一个系统工程,利用搜集的各种信息,用控制论的观点进行分阶段的控制与反馈的实践应用,建立一套目标管理体系,教练员和运动员的关系就是控制者与受控制对象。要使某运动员在比赛中达到最佳竞技状态,获得优异成绩,赛前、赛期通过教练员对运动员训练过程及手段的控制,达到预期的目的。“三论”在竞技体育管理中的应用也随着科学技术的发展而深入发展,它为科学地进行运动训练管理开拓新的思路、新的方法和有效的训练手段提供了可靠的理论依据。 This paper discusses the application of three theories (informatics, cybernetics and system) in sports management. Contests are considered as a systematic project with various information collected. Through control and feedback by stages in practice based on the three theories, a set of target management system is established, in which coaches are the controllers while athletes are the controlled. To make an athlete at his best with good performance, a control over the process and measures of training before and in the course of contest is conducted. The application of the three theories in sports management has been wide and profound with the development of science and technology. It provides the reliable theoretical basis for the exploitation of new ideas, new methods and effective training measures. In this way scientific training and management would be achieved.
出处 《首都体育学院学报》 2003年第2期120-122,共3页 Journal of Capital University of Physical Education and Sports
关键词 运动训练 相互关系 竞赛 目标管理 Physical Training Interrelation Contest Target Management
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