洪堡的高等教育思想及其亲手创建的柏林大学 ,曾领导德国大学和世界大学的潮流 ,在世界高教史上产生了深远的影响。在分析洪堡高等教育思想的具体内容和柏林大学的办学模式基础上 ,考察它们对我国创建世界一流大学的借鉴和启示将具有现实意义。
Humboldt's ideas on higher education and Berlin University he helped create were once the vogue in both Germany and the world over and exerted long-lasting influence on the history of higher education of the world. A thorough analysis of Humboldt's ideas and the school-running mode of Berlin University will surely bring about revelations on China's efforts to build first-class universities.
Meitan Higher Education