
北京地区医务人员SARS感染的分析 被引量:77

SARS Infected Medical Workers in Beijing An Analysis
摘要 目的 探讨医务人员SARS医院感染的危险因素。方法 对北京地区 2 0 0 3年 3月 2 0日~ 2 0 0 3年 5月 31日 6 6 6所医院进行医务人员SARS感染调查。结果 医务人员SARS感染的发病期较社会人群前移 ,综合门 (急 )诊医务人员SARS感染发病率占医务人员感染构成比 71 34% ,其中护士占 4 8 81% ,医生占 35 4 9% ;年龄 <4 0岁占 83 5 8% ;医务人员感染暴发为三级医院为主 6 9 2 8%。结论 由于信息封闭、指导诊断失误和控制措施不利导致SARS在北京地区暴发 ,医务人员是首批受感染者同时也是医院感染的传播链 ;必须在人类与疾病的斗争中加强医务人员的职业防护与保健。 OBJECTIVE To discuss and explore the risk factors of transmitting SARS among medical workers in hospitals. METHODS We investigated all the SARS infected medical workers in 666 hospitals of Beijing from March 31 to May 31 in 2003. RESULTS The onset of SARS in infected medical workers is much earlier than in other people of the society. Proportion of infected medical workers in general out patient departments (including emergency room) is about 71 34% among all the infected medical workers including 48.81% nurses and 35.49% doctors. And about 83.58% are under 40 years old. Among all the outbreaks in hospitals, 69.28% happened in tertiary A hospital. CONCLUSIONS SARS epidemic outbreak happened in Beijing at early stage since relevant information of SARS was blocked, no proper guideline of diagnosis was given, and no effective prevention and control means were taken. Medical workers were the first group of infected people and were transmission link of hospital infection. We have to enhance the professional protection and health care in medical workers while fighting with diseases.
出处 《中华医院感染学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2003年第8期703-706,共4页 Chinese Journal of Nosocomiology
基金 WHOSARS科技合作项目 国家科技部SARS攻关课题
关键词 医务人员 医院感染 SARS Medical worker Hospital infection SARS
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