本文介绍了一种由双比例阀控制双缸同步的方法 ,讲述了该方法的工作原理 ,推导出比例阀控制非对称缸的动态响应数学模型 ,并给出同步误差数学表达式。应用该模型及表达式 ,通过动态系统仿真软件包SIMULINK建立了通用液压元件的非线性仿真模型 ,实现了图形化交互方式下的系统仿真模型构建和元件参数修改 。
A type of double proportional valves in synchronization control of double non-symmetrical cylinder is introduced. Then the working principle and dynamic response mathematical-model of the proportional valve in controlling non-symmetrical cylinder are discussed. The mathematic expressions of synchronous errors are given. By using of the model and expressions and through dynamic software of simulink, non-linear imitation models of general hydraulic components are built, and the establishment of imitational models and the modification of component parameters in graphical interation are implemented. Then high-precise synchronization actions of the double cylinders are finished.
Machine Tool & Hydraulics