生物电阻抗是近年来被广泛应用的一种快速、简便、安全测量体成分的方法。本研究采用水下称重测量 1 96名 (男性 :66名 ;女性 :1 30名 ) 1 8~ 67岁肥胖受试者的体脂含量 ,并用生物电阻抗方法测定生物电阻抗值。结果表明用水下称重法测量的体脂含量和去脂体重的测量结果与文献中不同国家生物电阻抗推算方程的推算结果有显著的统计学差异 (P <0 0 1 )。本文通过用多元线性逐步回归和方差分析方法建立了适合我国肥胖人群特点的体成分推算方程 :BF =0 846 Wt- 0 1 85 Ht2 z - 2 361 Sex - 2 4 977。Ht:身高(cm) ,Wt:体重 (kg) ,Z :生物电阻抗 (Ω) ,Sex :性别 (男性 =1 ,女性 =0 )。方程的相关系数 :r =0 92 3 ,标准误 :S x=3 43 ,方差分析 (ANOVA)具有统计学意义 (F =365 73 ,P <0 0 0 1 )。
The bioelectrical impedance method has become a popular and widely used method to determine body composition. In this study, body fat was measured by densitometry in a group of 66 males and 130 females obesity Chinese, aged 18 to 67 years. Body weight, body height were measured as well as total body bioelectrical impedance at 50kHz. BMI and BF% was (27 7±3.1)kg/m 2 and (38 81±6 27)% respectively (mean±SD).The prediction formulas for body fat from bioelectrical impedance developed in western societies, are significant underestimate body fat of Chinese obesity from body density. The prediction formulas for body fat with our subjects is: BF=0 846*Wt-0 185*Ht 2/Z-2 361*Sex-24 977. ( r =0 923, SEE=3 43, F =365 7, P <0 001). Wt: body weight; Ht: body height; Sex: male=1, female=0; Z: bioelectrical impedance.
Journal of Hygiene Research