
黄海及东海海域大气湿沉降(降水)中的营养元素 被引量:24

Nutrient elements in wet deposition(precipitation)from the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea regions
摘要 于2000、2001两年在黄海的千里岩岛和东海的嵊泗群岛两个采样点共采集了160多个降水样品,测定了pH值和营养盐组份(NH4+,NO3-,NO2-,PO43-,SiO32-)的含量。结果表明,降水样品中营养元素的浓度有明显的季节变化,冬季的浓度高于夏季。千里岩降水中的营养元素的浓度普遍比嵊泗群岛高,尽管降雨量千里岩岛小于嵊泗群岛,千里岩大气降水中营养元素的月沉降通量仍大于嵊泗群岛。两个采样点的大气降水中的N/P值远高于海水中的值,表明大气湿沉降对这些海域的海洋生产力和营养元素的生物地球化学环境起着十分重要的作用。 160 rainwater samples were collected from Qianliyan island (Yellow Sea) and Shengsi island (East China Sea) during 2000~2001. The samples were analyzed for the pH and the nutrient elements (NH4+,NO3-,NO2-,PO43-,SiO32-). The results indicate that the concentrations of most nutrient elements in rainwater show a clear seasonal variation with higher levels in winter and lower levels in summer. Generally, the nutrient element concentrations in rainwater are higher at Qianliyan island than at Shengsi, and the monthly atmospheric wet depositions of nutrient elements are larger than those at Shengsi island, in spite of the annual rainfall is smaller at Qianliyan island relative to the Shengsi. The N/P ratios in the rainwater from the two stations are much higher than those in seawater, showing the significance impact of atmospheric wet deposition on the marine production and biogeochemical circulation of nutrients in these sea regions.
出处 《海洋环境科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第3期26-30,共5页 Marine Environmental Science
基金 国家"973"资助项目(G199043705) 山东省自然科学基金资助项目(Y2000E02)
关键词 千里岩 嵊泗群岛 湿沉降 营养元素 Qianliyan Shengsi island wet deposition nutrient elements
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