分时竞价是当前国外电力市场广为采用的竞价方式。但是,这种竞价方式不符合电力持续生产的特性,因而在市场运营中带来一些问题。分段竞价是一种新的竞价思想。分段竞价对持续的负荷进行竞价,符合电力生产的持续性特征。该文介绍了分时竞价在市场运营中存在的问题,建立了分段竞价的市场运营方式和竞价模型,实现了分段竞价的思想。相对分时竞价,分段竞价便于发电商确定机组运行方式和投标决策, 市场交易公平透明、简单易行。以 实例数据对分段竞价和分时竞价进行了比较, 验证了分段竞价的理论分析结果:与分时竞价相比,分段竞价大幅降低了市场的购电费用,提高了市场效率。研究结果为进一步竞价研究和实际操作提供了参考。
Hourly Bidding is the widely used bidding mechanism in present power markets abroad. However, this bidding mechanism exposes some shortcomings because of its inconsistence with the continuity features of electric energy production. Block Bidding is a new bidding mechanism in which demand load is divided into multiple blocks with continuous segments and the auction is performed for each block. Block Bidding is consistent with the continuity features of electric energy production and overcomes the shortcomings of Hourly Bidding. In this paper, characters of Hourly Bidding and Block Bidding are introduced. Models for Block Bidding are designed. Based on IEEE-RTS data, Hourly Bidding and Block Bidding are simulated and compared. Results show that Block Bidding is a suitable and simple bidding mechanism for power auction. It is convenient for power suppliers to determine unit operation and make bidding decisions; also, it is convenient for market operation. Furthermore, as contrast with Hourly Bidding, Block Bidding gains significant payment savings and makes the market more efficient.
Proceedings of the CSEE