庄子和屈原的作品都以“奇”见称 ,历代都将之归为寓言和象征手法的作用。其根源在于神话思维对庄子和屈原的巨大影响。这体现在三个方面 :一、神话思维使庄子和屈原笔下的意象充满了鲜活的生命力 ;二、神话思维使庄子和屈原多以具象表达概念和思想 ;三、神话思维使《庄子》和屈原的作品分别更具“玄”和“幽”的特点。
Both Zhuang Zi and Qu Yuan have been admired because of the “uniqueness” in their works, which is thought as the success in using fables and symbols. In fact, the origin of the powerful influence of mythological thinking on Zhuangzi and Lishao comes from three aspects: (i) it gives vitality to the description in their works; (ii) it expresses the concepts and thoughts in images; and (iii) it makes their works more “abstruse” and “meditative” respectively.
Journal of Guizhou University(Social Sciences)