本文论述了 Arc IMS的体系结构 ,阐述了 Arc IMS的运行机制 ,着重分析了 Arc XML在这一结构内的作用 ,并介绍了服务器端的逻辑和物理层次、客户端的基本功能 ,从而剖析了 Arc IMS的核心部分。同时从使用的角度 ,介绍了如何管理 Arc IMS服务器 ,并分别论述某功能部件。最后对站点安全这个万维网地理信息系统必须密切关注的问题 ,结合 Arc IMS平台的特点进行了分析 ,并提出一些解决方法。
This paper describes the system Architecture of ArcIMS,and its operational mechanism, particularly analyzes the role of Arc XML in this system Architecture It then discusses how to run Arc IMS and how to communicate between the client and server as well as the functions of ArcXML in this Architecture emphatically Meanwhile the logical and physical layers of Server are introduced and the core of ArcIMS is discussed The functions of every layer are described in detail The basic functions of Client are also introduced from the point of view of uses,and the feature service and the image service are analysed emphatically Then ArcIMS Manager is introduced and how to manage the ArcIMS Server is also introduced,and the three functional models are described separately Finally,the securities of Website are analysed combining the characteristics of ArcIMS itself Through data security and sevice security and system security the security of Website is discussed in detail,and the methods of how to resolve the security of Website are provided
Geo-information Science