
晶粒长大动力学的计算机模拟 被引量:3

Computer Simulation of Normal Grain Growth Kinetics
摘要 利用元胞自动机模型研究了2维晶粒长大的动力学,模型将微观结构映射到离散的格点上进行研究;微观结构演化的研究是通过考察晶粒大小和形状随时间的变化来实现的。精确地再现了文献中理论推导的结果;研究了复杂结构下的晶粒长大动力学曲线;考察了控制参数对于晶粒长大动力学过程的影响;并具有一定的一般性,可以用于多种情况下的模拟。 A cellular automata procedure is applied to the study of the kinetics of grain growth in two dimensions. The model employed maps the microstructure onto a discrete lattice. The temporal evolution of the microstructures is monitored to yield the time dependence of the size and shapes of the grains. Theoretical result about circle grain is simulated accurately using CA model, the kinetics about complex grain structure was simulated and the control parameter and its effect to the kinetic is also studied in the paper. It is proved that the CA model is a general model for the normal grain growth simulation and can be used in many kinds of situation.
作者 夏维国
出处 《株洲工学院学报》 2003年第5期36-38,41,共4页 Journal of Zhuzhou Institute of Technology
关键词 晶粒长大 动力学 计算机模拟 元胞自动机模型 控制参数 微观结构演化 grain growth kinetics cellular automata simulation
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