加强现代物流管理是当代企业降低生产成本、提高生产效率的重要途径。对物流管理系统组成的多元复杂性、功能的整体相干性、运作机制的随机动态性和开放性等特征进行了分析 ,以求对物流管理系统有一个客观全面的认识。
To decrease the production cost and to improve the production efficiency,strengthening the modern management of physical distribution,for the enterprise,is an important approach.Therefore,in order to acquaint ourselves with objective and complete knowledge,characteristics that lie in the system of management of physical distribution have been analyzed,such as complication and diversification in composition,wholeness and relevance in function,stochastity and dynamics in mechanism,as well as dependence and openness on environment.
Journal of Systemic Dialectics