20世纪初 ,英美部分诗人提出意象主义这一概念 ,并按这一理论进行诗歌创作。他们提倡通过创造恰切集中的意象 ,使用简洁通俗的语言 ,运用富于音乐性的节奏来描绘“事物”。中国古典诗歌无论是在哲学思想还是意象创造上都对意象派产生过深刻的影响。本文以“东学西渐”中中国文化对美国诗歌的影响为切入点 ,阐述了意象派代表诗人与中国诗歌的联系 ,指出中国古典诗歌与意象派诗歌相通的契合点 ,从而揭示中国古典诗歌对意象派诗歌的影响。
At the outset of the twentieth century, some poets in Great Britain and the United States put forward the conception of Imagism and wrote poems according to the concept. They advocated describing 'things' through clear precise and concentrated images, use of language of common speech and rhythms. Chinese classic poetry has exerted impacts on Imagism in terms of both philosophic thought and image-creating. This paper, starting from discussion of the general influence of Oriental culture upon Western culture, reveals the impact of Chinese classic poetry on Imagist poetry by illustrating the connections between Imagist poets and Chinese classic poetry and by pointing out the similarities between Imagist poetry and Chinese classic poetry.
Foreign Languages Research