运用录像、数据资料等研究方法 ,对我国国家队在 14届世界男排锦标赛上与部分世界强队比赛的技术 (后排进攻、发球、一攻战术、拦防技术 )统计资料进行比较分析。结果表明 ,中国男排与世界男排强队在技战术水平上存在明显差距 ,应尽快改变这一局面 ,以利于我国男排的技战术水平进一步提高。
After we compare and analyze the statistics of the skills of our national team and some strong teams of the world in men's 14th world volleyball Tournament. We find there's a clear Qap between national team and other foreign strong team in men's volleyball. There fore we must change this as soon as possible to further improve the skills and tactics of our national team.
Journal of Nanjing Institute of Physical Education