目的 :观察保肝药治疗肝硬化患者肝损害的疗效。方法 :139例肝硬化患者分为 :(1)肝太乐组 :30例 ,6 0 0mg d ;(2 )甘利欣组 :34例 ,30ml d ;(3)TAD(还原型谷胱甘肽 )组 :37例 ,1 2g d;(4)联合用药组 :38例 ,两种以上药物联合应用。 4组均为静脉滴注 ,疗程均为 2 0d。检测治疗前、后的肝功能指标用于疗效观察。结果 :甘利欣组和联合用药组疗效好于另两组。结论 :肝硬化失代偿期患者保肝治疗最好选用两种改善肝功能的药物联合治疗为佳 ;甘利欣疗效也较好。
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate efficacy of liver lesion of cirrhosis with medicines.METHODS:139 patients of liver cirrhosis with disfunction were erolled in this study.They were treated with Glucorose,Diammonium Glycyrrhizinate(ganlixin),Reduced Glutathione(TAD)and group of two medicines(above metioned)differently.The patients were given by intravenous drip for 20 days.RESULTS:The curative effects of Diammonium Glycyrrhizinate (ganlixin)and group of two medicines were better than others.CONCLUSION:We suggest the better choices of improve lesions of liver should be therapy of combined two medicines or Diammonium Glycyrrhizinate (ganlixin).
Evaluation and Analysis of Drug-use in Hospitals of China