目的 :提高肺曲菌球病的正确诊断率和手术治愈率 ,减少术后并发症。方法 :总结我院 1990~ 2 0 0 0年 ,经外科手术治疗的 40例肺曲菌球病的经验教训。结果 :经手术治疗的 40例肺曲菌球病 ,2例死亡 ,1例二次手术 ,其余 3 7例痊愈出院。结论 :诊断肺曲菌球病 ,依据原发病史、典型的X线特征、痰曲霉菌涂片和培养、纤维支气管镜肺活检确诊。处理好原发病及合并症 ,做好术前准备和术后处理 ;本病确诊后如无手术禁忌 ,应积极手术治疗 ,手术以肺叶切除为好 ,不主张肺段或楔形切除 。
Objective: To improve the final diagnosis rate and cure rate of pulmonary aspergilloma,and to reduce postoperative complication.Methods: To sum up experiences from 40 cases of pulmonary aspergilloma which has been operated in our hospital from 1990~2000.Results: Two cases died,one case reoperated within 40 cases,other 37 cases had been cured.Conclusion: Diagnosis of pulmonary aspergilloma is based on primary history,typical character of X_ray, sputum smear and culture of aspergillus,and lung biopsy using fibrobronchoscope.We should treat the primary diseases and complicated diseases,and perioperation treatment well.If no abstinence after final diagnosis on pulmonary aspergilloma,lobectomy should be selected first,wedge resection and pneumonectomy will not used as soon as possible.
Henan Medical Research