
TIG熔修对焊接接头的金相组织及断裂韧性的影响 被引量:3

Influence of TIG dressing on microstructure and fracture toughness of welding joint
摘要 通过采用TIG熔修技术 ,对船体结构焊接接头焊趾处进行TIG熔修效果的试验研究。试验结果表明 ,该技术不但可以改善焊趾部形状 ,实现焊缝到母材的光顺过渡 ,降低应力集中 ,而且可以改善焊接热影响区的金相组织 ,从而提高了船体结构焊接接头的抗断裂韧性 ,特别是结构的抗爆炸冲击性能。同时 ,TIG熔修技术还具有工艺简单、操作方便、劳动条件好等优点 。 This investigation introduces influence of TIG dressing on the weld toe. The result shows that TIG dressing improves the shape of weld toe. Therefore, the smooth transition from weld metal to base metal is realized and the stress concentration is depressed. Moreover, the microstructure of weld toe will be optimized so that the toughness, especially anti-explosion fracture toughness at low temperature, can be increased. Finally, TIG dressing has the merits of simple procedure, easy operation, better work situation and low cost.
机构地区 海军工程大学
出处 《兵器材料科学与工程》 CAS CSCD 2003年第5期40-43,共4页 Ordnance Material Science and Engineering
关键词 TIG熔修 焊接接头 金相组织 断裂韧性 船舶结构 爆炸冲击 焊趾 welding joint microstructure explosion impact fracture toughness
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