
试论石油安全 被引量:13

Petroleum Security
摘要 The key to petroleum security is stable supply,reasonable price and also safe utilization ?in compliancewith environmental protection requirements. Theinternational factors influencing petroleum security atthe present time, and in the future, include US controlof the global oil market, resources and technology,contradictions between oil-producing countries and oil-consuming countries, competition among oil-consumingcountries for petroleum resources, the unstable politicalsituation in major oil-producing countries and the threatof terrorist attacks against energy facilities such as oilpipelines and tankers. With the present-day movetowards economic globalization and market integration,the world is paying attention to China, while China, onthe other hand, cannot separate itself from the world.Petroleum security is a major issue in China, and thesettlement of this issue will have an influence on theworld petroleum situation. Therefore, the followingpolicies and measures are proposed: 1) strengtheninginternational cooperation for energy security andformulating a worldwide petroleum security strategy;2) instituting energy-saving measures to reduce energyconsumption; 3) developing oil substitutes, in particular,accelerating the development of natural gas; 4) speedingup establishment of a strategic petroleum reserve system,including state petroleum reserves, corporate oilstockpiles, a definite reserve of oil resources, and oilproduction capacity. The key to petroleum security is stable supply,reasonable price and also safe utilization ?in compliancewith environmental protection requirements. Theinternational factors influencing petroleum security atthe present time, and in the future, include US controlof the global oil market, resources and technology,contradictions between oil-producing countries and oil-consuming countries, competition among oil-consumingcountries for petroleum resources, the unstable politicalsituation in major oil-producing countries and the threatof terrorist attacks against energy facilities such as oilpipelines and tankers. With the present-day movetowards economic globalization and market integration,the world is paying attention to China, while China, onthe other hand, cannot separate itself from the world.Petroleum security is a major issue in China, and thesettlement of this issue will have an influence on theworld petroleum situation. Therefore, the followingpolicies and measures are proposed: 1) strengtheninginternational cooperation for energy security andformulating a worldwide petroleum security strategy;2) instituting energy-saving measures to reduce energyconsumption; 3) developing oil substitutes, in particular,accelerating the development of natural gas; 4) speedingup establishment of a strategic petroleum reserve system,including state petroleum reserves, corporate oilstockpiles, a definite reserve of oil resources, and oilproduction capacity.
作者 单卫国
出处 《国际石油经济》 2003年第10期5-11,共7页 International Petroleum Economics
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