
电子辐照降解硝基苯胺等有机污染物的研究 被引量:16

Radiolysis of Nitroanilines and Other Organic Pollutants by Electron Beam Accelerator
摘要 研究了高能电子束辐照降解 2 ,4 二硝基苯胺、邻硝基苯胺、间氨基酚、2 硝基间苯二酚水溶液的过程及其对大型蚤急性毒性的变化。实验表明高能电子束能够有效降解该 4种化合物 ,降解过程符合一级动力学方程 ,8kGy的辐照剂量下 ,降解率分别为 98%、88.7%、57%、98% ,毒性去除率分别为 59.9%、87%、51 %、87.4 %。 An electron beam accelerator was used to study radiolysis of organic chemicals - 2,4-dinitroaniline, 2-nitroaniline, 3-aminophenol and 2-nitroresorcin - in aqueous solutions in terms of concentrations, TOC and de-toxicity to Daphinia magna. The results showed that high-energy electron beam was able to degrade these chemicals successfully in accordance with first-order kinetic model. Using radiation of 8kGy, degradation efficiencies were: 98% for 2,4-dinitroaniline, 88.7% for 2-nitroaniline, 57% for 3-aminophenol and 98% for 2-nitroresorcin. Degradation of toxicity to Daphinia magna was also enumerated.
出处 《环境科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 2003年第6期15-17,共3页 Environmental Science & Technology
关键词 高能电子束 硝基苯胺 间氮基酚 2-硝基间苯二酚 降解 electron beam nitroaniline 3-aminophenol 2-nitroresrcin degradation
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