目的 :研究IL 6在颌面部火器伤间接损伤牙髓中的表达情况 ,初步探讨IL 6在此损伤炎症中的作用 ,以期为火器伤牙髓间接损伤的临床诊治提供理论依据。方法 :采用直径 5 .80mm制式枪弹致伤狗下颌部的模型 ,并利用免疫组化染色及定量分析方法及检测颌面部火器伤后不同时间、下颌不同牙齿的牙髓组织中IL 6的动态变化。结果 :IL 6在伤后牙髓组织中有阳性表达 ,并随时间的改变 ,呈动态变化过程。结论 :IL 6参与火器性牙髓炎症发生、发展 ,并与牙髓损伤。
Objective: To study the role of IL-6 in the dental pulp indirect injury by gunshot. Methods: The mandible was wounded by gunshot at (961.18±8.94) m/s in 17 dogs.2 h,6 h,1 d,3 d,7 d after injury molars,caspids,and lateral incisors were sampled respectively for IL-6 detection by immunohistochemical method in dental pulp. Results: The results showed that positive staining of IL-6 was observed predominantly in infiltrating inflammatory cells, vascular endothelial cells and some fibroblasts,IL-6 expression was consistent with the recruitment and activation of inflammatory cells, and with the severity duration of pulpal tissue injury and response. IL-6 level was increased in the dental pulp 6 h~3 d after injury.Conclusion: IL-6 is involved in regulating physiologic responses of dental pulp injuries in maxillofacial trauma by a projectile.
Journal of Practical Stomatology