了解工矿企业从业人员 HBV感染状况及其乙肝 5项血清学标志物模式 ,对受检者进行 AL T和 HBs Ag检测 ,HBs Ag阳性者或阴性者均进一步做两对半检测。结果显示 HBs Ag阳性率低于全国平均水平 ,HBs Ag阳性率男性明显高于女性 (P<0 .0 1) ,感染模式以“小三阳”为主 ,“大三阳”
Objective To investigate the Hepatitis B infection's situation in employees of the industrial and mining enterprises and the status of five Hepatitis B markers in serum. Methods ALT and HBsAg are tested in all the testees, and the'two half-and-half' test are carried out for HBsAg positive and negative. Results The rate of HBsAg positive is lower than average national level. The rate of HBsAg positive in male is significantly higher than that in femal(P<0.01). The major infection status is Hepatitis B 'Small three positive' , Hepatitis B 'great three positive'is the second.
Practical Preventive Medicine