

Discussion of Effecting Factors on Cured IIR Compound Performance
摘要 测定了不同产地的树脂交联剂的羟甲基含量;试验了不同盐酸含量的氯丁胶活性剂对丁基硫化胶质量的影响。试验结果表明:树脂交联剂的羟甲基含量和氯丁胶中的盐酸含量对丁基硫化胶质量有很大的影响。 The hydroxy methyl contents of resinous crosslinking agent from different resources were determined. The effects of neoprene activator with varied HCl level on cured IIR compound performance have been tested. The results show that the hydroxymethyl content of resinous crosslinking agent and HCl content of neoprene activator will considerably effect on cured IIR compound performance.
作者 彭宏光
机构地区 沈阳第三橡胶厂
出处 《沈阳化工》 1992年第3期43-45,共3页
关键词 丁基橡胶 交联剂 氯丁橡胶 硫化 Cured IIR Compound Crosslinking Agent Neoprene
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