目的 :观察黄芪注射液对儿童肾病综合征尿蛋白与血浆蛋白的影响。方法 :将我科 1996年 10月~2 0 0 2年 10月收治的小儿肾病综合征 30例 ,随机分为 2组。治疗组 17例 ,采用强的松加黄芪注射液治疗 ;对照组 13例仅给强的松治疗。结果 :治疗 1个月后 ,治疗组临床症状及血液生化指标等明显优于对照组 ,2 4h尿蛋白降低与血浆白蛋白升高与对照组比较 ,差异有统计学意义 (P <0 .0 1)。结论 :黄芪注射液对儿童肾病综合征有明显疗效 ,尤其在减轻蛋白尿 ,提高血浆蛋白方面 。
Objective:To explore the effect of Astragalus injection on urinary protein excretion and plasma protein in children with nephrotic syndrome(NS).Methods:Thirty hospitalized children with nephrotic syndrome from 1996 to 2002 divided into two groups:plus Astragalus groups(17 cases) and glucocorticoid group(13 cases).Results:Clinical symptoms and blood biochemical markers in treatment group were obviously better than those in control group.The urinary protein excretion decreased while plasmsa albumin increased.Singnificant differences were found between the two groups( P <0.05).Conclusion:Astragalus injection is effective in treating nephrotic syndrome in children.
Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Nephrology
广东省中医药管理局科研资助项目 (No .1999-170 )