

Catalytic Oxidation of Wastewater Containing Cyanide with Ion-exchange Montmorillonites
摘要 用十几种金属可溶性盐与精制过的蒙脱石搅拌、浸泡制得多种离子交换蒙脱石,用作CN-氧化反应的催化剂.讨论了溶液 pH 值、反应时间、催化剂用量等因素对反应的影响,并通过除氰效果筛选催化剂.使用活性高的 Ni 离子交换蒙脱石,在 pH=12,催化剂用量为2%,氧流量305 ml/min 条件下,使含 CN-50 ppm 的水溶液经1 h 反应后,除氰率达99.15%,残留量0.425 ppm,低于国家规定的排放标准. The wastewater containing cyanide has been treated by a series of cation exchanged montmorillonites prepared by ion exchange with metal salts.The effects of pH values in the solution,reaction time,dosage of catalysts on the reaction of CN^-+1/2O_2→CNO^- were discussed.The results have shown that Ni-form montmorillonite has the highest ac- tivity of removing CN^-(99.15%) and the content of cyanide in the treated wastewater is below the permissible pullutant concentration.
出处 《沈阳化工学院学报》 1992年第2期101-110,共10页 Journal of Shenyang Institute of Chemical Technolgy
关键词 蒙脱石 离子交换 废水处理 氰化物 montmorillonite cation exchanged montmorillonite wastewater treatment catalytic oxidation cyanide
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