
浙江师范大学教职工心电图检查情况分析 被引量:1

Analysis of electrocardiogram examination for teaching and administrative staff of Zhejiang Normal University
摘要 对浙江师范大学1262名教职工心电图检查情况进行了统计分析,心电图检查异常的有84例,发生率为6.66%,其中男性59例,女性25例,经x^2检验两者无显著差异。异常的心电图并有15种类型,以ST-T改变量多,占20.24%;41~50岁、61~70岁两年龄段发生率最高,提示这两年龄段教职工是心脏疾病预防的重点人群,高血压病和冠心病是预防的重点疾病。 This paper conducted analysis and statistics on electrocardiogram examination of 1 262 teaching and administrative staff. There are 84 cases of abnormal electrocardiogram examination,the incidence rate accounting for 6. 66%. Among them are 59 cases for men and 25 cases for women. They both have no obvious difference after 'x2 examination'. There are 15 types of abnormal electrocardiogram and ST-T modification takes the most,accounting for 20. 24%. The highest incidence rate occurs among the age groups of 41 - 50 year-olds and 61 - 70 year-olds. It should be pointed out that the a-bove two age groups are the key crowd for prevention. High blood pressure and coronary heart disease are also the key diseases for prevention.
作者 方春荣
出处 《浙江师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2003年第4期424-426,共3页 Journal of Zhejiang Normal University:Natural Sciences
关键词 浙江师范大学 教职工 心电图检查 高危人群 预防 高血压病 冠心病 teaching and administrative staff electrocardiogram analysis high risk group prevention
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