目前在国际上普遍使用的是400 MPa等级以上建筑钢筋,我国2002版《混凝土结构设计规范》亦将HRB400钢筋列为现浇混凝土结构的主导钢筋,同时HRB500钢筋已纳入了《钢筋混凝土用热轧带肋钢筋》GB1499-1998标准中,一钢公司借这二个新的标准和规范颁布之契机,进一步推进高强度钢筋的研制开发和建筑工程应用,在HRB400钢筋生产技术已相当成熟且生产具有一定规模的基础上,于2001年4月开始在φ420中小型全连轧机组上研制开发了HRB500 MPa级钢筋,为企业作必要的产品技术储备。
At present the rein-bars used widely in the world are of strength over 400 MPa. HRB400 bar has been also listed as the dominant one for online-grouted concrete structure in 《Code for design of concrete structures》 of 2002 edition in China. At the same time, HRB500 bar has been accepted by GB 1499-1998 standard of 《Hot rolled ribbed steel bars for the reinforcement of concrete》. Considering the newly issued specification and standard as an opportunity to develop and promote the high strength reinforced bar, and based on the mature technique of HRB400 bar production, Shanghai No. 1 Steel Company has produced HRB500 MPa rein-bar on φ420 continuous rolling mill since April,2001 and has made necessary technical reservation for the mass production.
China Metallurgy