针对GPS定位技术在室内无法获取精确位置信息的问题,本文提出了一种基于低功耗蓝牙技术的室内定位方案。该系统方案中,ibeacon基站由低功耗蓝牙4.0模块组成。在需要定位的室内均匀部署一定数量的ibeacon基站,每个ibeacon基站可以自动创建一个信号区域并周期性的向外广播出自己特有的与位置有关的UUID(Universally Unique Identifier)号和RSSI(Received Signal Strength Indicator)值,当蓝牙终端设备进入该信号区域就会接收到ibeacon基站广播出的UUID号和RSSI值,然后通过改进型环形定位算法就可以对待测点进行精确的定位。实验结果表明,该系统方案的定位精度在2m以内,可以满足大多数室内定位的要求。
Aiming at the issue that it is unable obtain precise location information indoors by using GPS positioning technology,this paper proposes an indoor positioning scheme based on low- power bluetooth technology. In the system scheme,the ibeacon base station is composed by low- power bluetooth module. A certain number of ibeacon base station should be evenly deploied in the need of indoor positioning,then every ibeacon base station,automatically create a signal area and periodically broadcast UUID( Universally Unique Identifier) number that related with the location and the RSSI( Received Signal Strength Indicator) value. When the Bluetooth terminal into the signal area,it will receive UUID number and RSSI value broadcasted by the ibeacon base station,then the measured point position can be determined accurately by improving ring positioning algorithm. Finally,through the experiment the system positioning accuracy is within 2 meters,which can conform the demain of the majority of indoor position.
Wireless Communication Technology