从小麦麸皮中制备戊聚糖,将其分别以不同的比例添加到两种筋力不同的面粉中,以研究其对面团特性及面包烘焙品质的影响.发现当添加比例为1 5%时,小麦麸皮戊聚糖对面团特性及面包烘焙品质有着明显的改良效果,其中以对面粉筋力相对较弱的豫麦34粉有非常好的改良效果,主要体现在:可增加面团的粉质吸水量,增加面团的稳定时间,增加面包的体积,改善面包的内部质构。
Pentosan prepared from wheat bran was added into two different kind of wheat flour in different amount in order to study the effect of wheat bran pentosan on dough and breadmaking quality. The result indicated that pentosan with 0.5% in wheat flour could improve dough and breadmaking quality, such as increasing dough water absorption and dough stability time, increasing loaf volume, and retarding bread staling. The improvement influence of pentosan on wheat flour with not too strong quality was better than wheat flour with strong quality.