
基于扩散效应视角的国家级新区发展路径研究——以西咸新区为例 被引量:4

The Study on the Development Path of the State-level New Area Based on the Perspective of the Diffusion Effect——A Case of Xixian New Area
摘要 西咸新区作为国家级新区,前瞻性的研究和战略规划,能够帮助其优化发展路径,更好地发挥辐射和带动作用,进一步明确其作为西部地区重要增长级的经济地位。本文基于增长极理论和适合度景观理论,通过NK模型对多个国家级新区发展情况进行比较研究,尝试从中找出西咸新区从局部最优到全局最优的科学发展路径,为西咸新区充分发挥西部地区重要经济增长极的辐射和带动作用,实现共同发展目标和城市协调发展新路径提供合理化建议。 As a state-level new area,Xixian New Area's forward-looking research and strategic planning can help to optimize its development path,better play the role of radiation and leading,and further define its economic status as an important growth pole in western regions. Based on the Growth Pole Theory and Fitness Landscape Theory,by means of NK model,the paper compares and studies the development of many state-level new areas,tries to find the optimal scientific development path,and puts forward reasonable suggestions on how to play the role of Xixian New Area's radiation and leading as an important growth pole in the western areas to realize the mutual development goal and the new path of the urban coordinated development.
出处 《西部金融》 2015年第11期53-58,共6页 West China Finance
关键词 西咸新区 扩散效应 Xixian New Area diffusion effect
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