

A Revised Points Matching Algorithm for 3-D Moving Objects
摘要 三维空间中运动物体在不同时刻将处于空间不同位置,物体在空间的运动互相独立。怎样才能得到在两不同时刻空间运动物体的对应关系(Correspondence)以及求出各个物体的运动参数,这就产生了空间运动物体的匹配、识别以及运动参数估算问题。本文提出一种改进的点特征匹配算法。它是基于点匹配来匹配空间运动物体及估算物体运动参数的方法。算法首先在观察点集合中取出一个由四点组成的四面体,再从参考点集合中搜索对应的四面体,根据距离准则与体积准则,求得初始正确的四点匹配;其后每次从剩下的观察点集合中取出一点,在参考点集合中搜索其匹配点,直到观察点集合为空。本算法只需简单的距离及四阶行列式计算,在求得初始四点匹配后,以其为依据,可较精确地估算出物体的运动参数(R,T)。本文同时给出了运行本算法的结果。 Moving objects in 3-D space will locate at different position at different time. The motion of each object is independent. Object-matching is to determine its correspondence and to estimate the motion parameters of object at two different time. In this paper, a revised points-matching algorithm for matching 3-D moving objects is presented. The algorithm determines the correspondence by initiating a pair of directional tetrahedra for initial match, then using distance criteria to determine point correspondence one by one until sensed set is empty. The motion parameters can be easily estimated by simple calculation according to the initial four matched point pairs. Results of presented algorithm are given.
出处 《通信学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 1992年第2期22-27,66,共7页 Journal on Communications
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  • 1李锦成,1988年
  • 2Chen H H,Pattern Recognition,1982年,1卷,2期,75页
  • 3唐四春
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