刑事和解的价值构造是其制度化的根据。以恢复正义为核心 ,刑事和解的价值构造包括公正价值与效率价值。通过新西兰、英国、德国、法国等西方国家刑事和解制度的考察 ,为我国刑事和解制度的构建提供了一个重要的参照。在现行法范围内 ,刑事和解的近期方案的设计可以以刑事自诉与交通肇事案件的调解制度为背景。中期方案的设计可在对微罪不起诉制度完善的基础上全面考虑刑事和解的对象与范围、适用条件、提案与受理、过程调控、法律处置诸方面。
The value structure of victim-offender mediation is the basis for its systemization. By taking restorative justice as core, the value structure of victim-offender mediation consists of just value and efficiency value. Survey of the victim-offender mediation system in Western countries, such as New Zealand, England, Germany and France gives important reference for construction of victim-offender mediation system in China. In the current law, the design of recent program of victim-offender mediation can take criminal private prosecution and mediation system on traffic disturbance case as background. The design of mid-future program can make full consideration of target & scope, applicable conditions, submittal & acceptance, progress control and law handling, of victim-offender mediation on the basis of perfection of suit-free system for minor crime. The integral whole of criminal contract forms the far future program of the construction victim-offender mediation system.
China Legal Science