目的 评价对武警官兵开展常见寄生虫病健康教育的效果。 方法 参照有关“KABP”调查标准 ,自行设计问卷 ,内容包括基本情况、常见寄生虫病防治知识、有关态度与信念以及预防行为。多级整群抽样。教育前现场编号无记名调查 ,随后进行常见寄生虫病健康教育 (讲座 +小册子 +板报强化 ) ,半年后在同一群体中进行相同内容的问卷调查。用SPSS10 .0软件分析数据。 结果 健康教育前官兵对寄生虫病防治知识、态度信念、行为平均得分分别为 3 3 .2 5、65 .81、66.2 4;健康教育实施半年后平均得分分别为 72 .3 3、74.3 2、85 .49。经统计学处理 ,差异有显著性 (P <0 .0 1)。教育前后武警部队官兵常见寄生虫病的预防知识知晓率、态度与信念、行为形成率也有明显差异 (P <0 .0 0 1)。 结论 在武警部队官兵中进行常见寄生虫病的健康教育是有效的。
Objective To assess the effect of the health education, and provide basis for health education in common parasitic diseases prevention. Methods The questionnaires were designed referring to the standard of KABP. The contents of survey included general situation, the knowledge of prevention on the common parasitic diseases, attitude, belief, practice and prevention behaviors about it. An anonymous questionnaire survey was carried out in spot by means of multistage sampling. Soon afterwards, the health education was carried out by some means of course of lectures, booklets and blackboard newspapers. Six months educated later, a same questionnaire survey was carried out in the same samples. The data was analyzed by SPSS10.0. Results Before health education, the scores of KABP were 33.25, 65.81, 66.24; then the scores of KABP after health education were 72.33, 74.32,85.49( P <0.01).The rates of knowledge understand and formed situation of healthy behaviors were also significantly difference between before and after health education ( P <0.001) . Conclusion Health education of the common parasitic diseases prevention was a efficacious method in the armed police forces.
Chinese Journal of Parasitic Disease Control
Armed police forces
parasitic diseases
health education