大学核心竞争力是一个由制度体系、能力体系和文化体系有机组合而成的系统。这一系统的构筑及良好运行是大学获得竞争优势并在竞争中获胜的关键。目前我国大学的竞争能力还十分有限 ,为此应从建立制度创新、学科建制以及文化建设三个方面着手 ,培植和提升大学的核心竞争力。
The Core competence of the university is a system mainly composed of institution, competence and culture. The establishment and operation of this system will play an important role in obtaining competition advantage and winning in the final for a university. At present, as the limited competence, Chinese Universities need foster and promote their core competencies from three aspects, developing modern university institutions,reinforcing disciplinary construction and forming academic culture of modern university.
Fudan Education Forum