针对目前楼宇自动化系统设计及实施中存在的问题 ,阐述了进行系统验证的必要性和所带来的益处。根据楼宇自动化系统实现技术的复杂性 ,阐述如何进行验证草案的编写及协调各草案间的关联和制约关系 ,才能保证整个楼宇自动化系统在软、硬件上的一致性 ,保证系统的性能得到充分发挥 ,实现各项性能指标。
In order to solve the problems existed in design and actualization of building automation system at present the necessity and the benefit of system validation was described in this paper. Considering the complexity of the technology used to realize building automation system, it was also presented that how to write the validation protocols and how to harmonize the relation and conditionality among the protocols ensure that the software and hardware of the whole system are consistent, the performance of system can be fully utilized and all the performance indexes can be realized.
Low Voltage Apparatus