目的 探讨医院工作人员在收治严重急性呼吸综合征 (SARS)过程中受到感染的原因及预防对策 ,以减少医院感染的发生。方法 对我院从 2 0 0 3年 2~ 4月约 3个月收治 SARS过程中受到感染的医院工作人员的临床特征及感染的原因及在此过程中所不断完善的预防对策做一回顾性分析。结果 我院感染 SARS 19名工作人员中 11名护士、8名医生 ,通过近距离接触患者或接触患者的呼吸道分泌物等途径传播 ,在收治过程中 ,通过不断完善消毒隔离及个人防护措施、加强宣传教育 ,医院感染得到有效控制。结论 完善医院感染管理监督机制、强调个人防护是减少 SARS医院感染的关键。
OBJECTIVE To investigate the cause of and preventive measure against infection among medical workers during the time of SARS in hospital, and provide advices for medical workers so as to decrease occurrence of nosocomial infections. METHODS Clinical festures, infective causes and gradually improved preventive measures among medical workers with SARS from Feb to Apr 2003 were analyzed retrospectively. RESULTS Eleven nurses and 8 doctors with SARS in our hospital were contaminated by contacting patients SARS or their secrected materials closely with. Nosocomial infections were controlled by gradually improved measures of disinfection and isolation and strengthened education during the process. CONCLUSIONS Improving management and supervision of nosocomial infections and emphasizing personal prevention are the keys to reduce nosocomial infections with SARS.
Chinese Journal of Nosocomiology
广州市科技局重大科技攻关项目(2 0 0 3- Z- 0 2 3- 0 1)