

Bearing estimation of targets based on the highest eigenvalue of the correlation matrix
摘要 研究均匀线阵(ULA)波束形成时作者发现,当操纵线阵指向方位不断变化,相关矩阵的最大特征值也随着有规律地变化着。通过分析最大特征值的变化,能够估计目标方位和数目。本文从实验数据和计算机仿真两方面对单目标和多目标进行处理,验证上述方法的可行性。 Studying the beamforming, we discover that the highest eigenvalue of the correlation matrix changes with beam steering of uniform linear array. It is found that we can determine directions and number of targets by this highest eigenvalue. The paper testifies the effections of this algorithm both experimental data on single target and computer simulation on multi-targets.
出处 《应用声学》 CSCD 北大核心 2004年第1期12-16,22,共6页 Journal of Applied Acoustics
关键词 目标方位估计 相关矩阵 特征值 计算机仿真 波束成形技术 传感器 Bearing estimation, Correlation matrix, Highest eigenvalue
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