
观众在自然博物馆的对话内容研究 被引量:10

Conservation Analyze of Visitors in Natural History Museum
摘要 通过对话分析,可以了解观众在观展过程中细微、即时的学习行为。本研究采取随机抽样的方式,采取非干预式观察方法对展览观众进行调查,记录其对话及相关互动行为,以访谈法作为辅助了解观众发生对话的原因,采用艾伦的对话分析框架进行内容分析。研究发现:与学习有关的对话发生频率相对较低,群体间的对话以知觉型对话为主。上述调查带来的启示是:可通过展览内容的生活化、展示方式的多样化、展品位置的合理规划以及展示说明的有效性,更有效地引发和促进观众之间的学习型对话。 Conservation analyze indicates the subtle and instant learning behavior in museum. In this study,samples are randomly generated from target population. Through undisturbed observation,conservation and interactive behavior record,interviews,we endeavor to use Allen’ s analytical framework to analyze the conservation content and the reason why visitors have conservation. The result of this study shows that learning talk is rare and perceptual conservation is the most frequent conservation type. The exhibit which closely related to life,the diverse display method,the proper plan of exhibit position,and the effective of exhibit text can promote visitors’ learning talk.
作者 邓卓 徐蕾 朱峤 顾洁燕 Deng Zhuo;Xu Lei;Zhu Qiao;Gu Jieyan
出处 《自然科学博物馆研究》 2018年第3期45-53,共9页 Journal of Natural Science Museum Research
关键词 博物馆 观众 学习行为 对话分析 学习型对话 museum visitors learning behavior discourse analyze learning talk
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