
12MeV直线感应加速器主开关的优化设计 被引量:4

Optimization design of the main switch in 12MeV linear induction accelerator
摘要  介绍了12MeV直线感应加速器主开关的一种优化设计。在保持原有主开关的设计风格和接口结构的条件下,通过优化设计局部结构和调整开关电极尺寸,把主开关的结构电感从63.7nH减小到35nH,使得加速腔的高压脉冲前沿从39.6ns减小到27ns,从而有利于提高12MeV直线感应加速器的性能,验证了优化设计的可行性。 A method for optimization design of the main switch (using in 12MeV linear induction accelerator) was introduced. The switch's inductance was decreased from 63.7nH to 35nH by optimizing the configuration of the main switch and the size of the electric poles so that the accelerating cavity can get a better rising time of 27ns. The accelerator's performance can be effectively improved through this method, the feasibility of the method is also proved by testing.
出处 《强激光与粒子束》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第2期269-272,共4页 High Power Laser and Particle Beams
基金 国防科技基础研究基金资助课题
关键词 主开关 电感 脉冲前沿 直线感应加速器 优化设计 Main switch Induction Pulse risetime Linear induction accelerator
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