
2012—2013年成都市生鸡肉中弯曲菌调查分析 被引量:12

Analysis of quantitative monitoring results of Campylobacter isolated from chicken in Chengdu in 2012-2013
摘要 目的了解成都市零售环节鸡肉中的弯曲菌定量污染水平以及其随季节变化的趋势,为食品安全风险评估提供依据。方法选择成都市及周边的大型超市和农贸市场作为采样点,采取未分割的新鲜鸡冷藏鸡胴体。用涂布平板法计数,用多重PCR进行鉴定。结果采集255份样品,阳性数202份,检出率为79.22%;弯曲菌污染量>500 cfu/g的样品占32.55%(83/255);农贸市场样品的阳性率高于超市样品;夏季阳性率高于其他季节;共分离到空肠弯曲菌300株、结肠弯曲菌393株和胎儿弯曲菌11株。结论四川省零售环节鸡肉中弯曲菌的污染严重。 Objective To learn about the quantitative contaminated level and the seasonal change trend of Campylobacter in chicken retail part of Chengdu,and provide foundation for food safety risk assessment. Methods Choose the largesupermarkets and the farmers markets in and surrounding Chengdu City as the sampling points,take the undivided fresh chicken and frozen chicken as samples. Count by spread plate method and identify by multiplex PCR. Results A total of202 positive samples were detected from 255 specimens, with the detection rate of 79. 22%. The detection rate of samples,which contamination quantity of Campylobacter was more than 500 cfu / g,reached 32. 55%( 83 /255). The positive rate of samples in the farmers markets was higher than that in the supermarkets. The positive rate in summer was higher than that in other seasons. 300 Campylobacter jejuni strains,393 Campylobacter coli strains and 11 Campylobacter fetus strains were isolated. Conclusion Chicken at the retail part was polluted seriously by Campylobacter in Sichuan Province. Supervision departments should take measures to improve the sanitation in the farmers markets and reduce crosscontamination during slaughter the chicken. Meanwhile,the public should also enhance food safety awareness and avoid cross-contamination through cooking.
出处 《中国食品卫生杂志》 2015年第S1期21-24,共4页 Chinese Journal of Food Hygiene
关键词 鸡肉 弯曲菌 定量监测 多重PCR 食源性致病菌 污染 检出率 Chicken Campylobacter quantitative monitoring multiple PCR foodborne pathogens contamination detection rate
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