虚拟企业虽已引起人们的广泛关注 ,但迄今为止 ,虚拟企业的动力机制及其发展规模限制等基本问题仍未得到深入研究。本文在已有工作的基础上 ,对虚拟企业的概念和本质做了进一步归纳和分析 ,并应用交易费用理论对企业动力机制和效率边界的研究思路 ,建立了虚拟企业动力机制和效率边界的分析模型 ,系统地分析了虚拟企业产生、发展的动力来源及其发展规模的效率边界等虚拟企业理论中的基本问题。通过分析 ,我们认为 :虚拟企业本质上是一条由各联盟企业贡献自己核心竞争能力而组成的价值链 ;虚拟企业产生的根本动因在于虚拟化带来的交易成果获取成本的降低 ;同时 ,虚拟度扩大带来的生产成本节约和组织成本增加之间的平衡决定了虚拟企业的效率边界。
Virtual corporation has attracted wide attention, but so far, some basic questions such as what makes virtual corporation emerge, what makes it develop and what is the efficiency boundary that limits virtual corporation's development haven't been researched thoroughly. Based on former research, this paper analyzes the conception and essence of virtual corporation more deeply. Then it formulates a model for analyzing the dynamic mechanism and efficiency boundary of virtual corporation using the theories of transaction cost economics. The basic questions about the dynamic mechanism and the development limitation of virtual corporation are answered in this paper. According to this model, we conclude that virtual corporation essentially is a value chain composed of every member's core competence, the main cause of the emergence of virtual corporation is to reduce the cost to perform transactions, and the efficiency boundary of virtual corporation is determined by the balance between the reduction of producing cost and the increase of organizing cost.
Science Research Management
北京市自然科学基金资助项目 (90 12 0 0 4)
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