
企业环境研究的几个基本理论问题 被引量:69

Several Fundamental Theoretical Problems in Research of Business Environments
摘要 企业环境包括内部环境和外部环境,是影响企业管理决策和生产经营活动的现实各因素的集合;是由社会环境、市场环境、自然环境、企业内部环境组成的一个系统;企业内部环境与外部环境、企业环境各构成要素以及环境与企业之间,是相互影响的动态关系,它们互为环境,并非是一种单向传递或影响力的主从关系。 This article puts forward some elementary viewpoints concerning the definition of business environment, the constitution of business environment system, the relationship between enterprise and environment and other fundamental theoretical issues. The business environment includes internal environment and external environment, which is the integration of realistic factors influencing business management decision and business operation. It is a system constituted by social environment, market environment, natural environment and business internal environment. Internal environment and external environment are interactive and their relationship is dynamic. They can be called environment for each other and there exists no one way transition between them, we cannot say whose power is subject to the other, the same conclusion is also the case for the relationship between the various elements of business environment and between enterprise and environment.
作者 赵锡斌
机构地区 武汉大学商学院
出处 《武汉大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2004年第1期12-17,共6页 Wuhan University Journal:Philosophy & Social Science
关键词 企业环境 定义 环境系统 互为环境 business environment definition environment system mutually acting environment
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