煤的热模拟实验研究表明 :鄂尔多斯盆地侏罗系煤以产气为主 ,三叠系煤相对倾向于生油 ,三叠系煤的产油量是侏罗系煤产油量的 6~ 8倍 ,且产油温度宽 ,生成的气体成分以甲烷为主 ,但三叠系煤对液态沥青的吸附量大。侏罗系煤不仅产量小 ,产油持续的温度范围窄 ,而且生成大量的二氧化碳 ,但其排油效率高 ,对液态沥青的吸附量只有三叠系煤的 1/10。煤系有机显微组分组成和特征是造成中生界煤生烃潜力差异的主要原因。由于侏罗系煤生烃潜力低 ,且成熟度低 ,三叠系煤生油潜力虽高 ,但煤系规模小 ,煤层厚度薄 。
The study of thermal simulation experiment on coal indicated that the Jurassic coal is aptto produce gas,the Triassic coal is apt to generate oil in a wide range of temperature,and mainly produce methane when it release gas and also it has high capacity of absorbing liquid bitumen.The Jurassic coal has lower oil production,which is about 1/6~1/8 amount of oil generated by Triassic coal,in a narrow range of temperature,releasing much CO 2,and it has higher efficiency of expelling oil,only as 1/10 quantity of absorbing liquid bitumen as the former.The primary cause of the difference in the potential oil generating ability of Mesozoic coal measure is the character and component of its organic macerals.It is difficult to form industrial oil-gas store because of the low potential oil generating ability and low maturity of Jurassic coal,and because of small scale and thin coal-beds of Triassic coal although its high potential oil generating ability.
Coal Geology & Exploration
国家自然科学基金 (4 0 0 730 17)资助