Engagemcnt is a customary procedure before a marriage. Engagement has been in existence from Roman law to Temple law until contemporary law, having different legal effects during different periods of time. Engagement is an important civil custom in our country. Feudal leaders of different generations all paid much attention to it. The engagement should be set willingly between two unmarried parties with full abilities and without any relationship, which is forbidden by the marriage law. Engagement according to the law can take effect in both parties and other people. The properties, which are given by the spouse should be given back as illegitimate rights when the marriage is broken. The party without fault could ask for indemnity from the other party who make bold to deliquesce the engagement or from the party with fault. Engagement should not be considered as just a moral matter. Otherwise, the civil law has been limited, meanwhile causing trouble to solve the disputes over property. We should involve engagement in our civil code.
Hebei Law Science