目的 应用DNA指纹分析的方法研究广西巴马小型猪和贵州小型猪的遗传背景。方法 采用ECL核酸直接标记和检测系统 ,以HRP标记JL 0 2多位点小卫星探针 ,对广西巴马小型猪和贵州小型猪基因组DNA的HinfⅠ或HaeⅢ酶切DNA片段进行Southern杂交 ,以化学发光法进行检测 ,获得了清晰可辨的、具有高度多态性的DNA指纹图。结果 广西巴马小型猪大于 2kb的HinfⅠ和HaeⅢ酶切DNA指纹图带数为 11 7和 2 4 5 ;贵州小型猪大于 2kb的HinfⅠ和HaeⅢ酶切DNA指纹图带数则为 15 8和 17 6。另外 ,广西巴马小型猪HinfⅠ和HaeⅢ酶切产生的不同个体DNA指纹的相似系数分别为 0 5 4± 0 0 7和 0 5 5± 0 0 8;而贵州小型猪则分别为 0 5 3± 0 0 4和 0 5 3± 0 0 7。结论 该探针适用于这两种猪的DNA指纹分析 ,不同酶切产生的DNA指纹图带数不同 ,但不同个体间相似系数的分析结果一致。同时说明这两种猪具有相当程度的种质均质性 。
Objective To study the genetic background of the two strains of miniature pigs by DNA fingerprinting Methods Clear and highly polymorphic DNA fingerprints from Guangxi Bama and Guizhou miniature pigs were obtained by Southern hybridization with a non isotopically HRP(Horseradish peroxidase) labelled multiloci minisatellite probe JL-02 Results The DNA fingerprint bands above 2kb digested with endonucleases Hinf Ⅰ and Hae Ⅲ for Guangxi Bama miniature pigs were 11 7 and 24 5, respectively, whereas the same indices for Guizhou miniature pigs were 15 8 and 17 6, respectively The similarity coefficients of DNA fingerprints of various individuals of Guangxi Bama miniature pigs digested with endonucleases Hinf Ⅰ and Hae Ⅲ were 0 54±0 07 and 0 55±0 08, respectively, whereas the same indices were 0 53±0 04 and 0 53±0 07 for Guizhou miniature pigs Conclusion The probe is available for DNA fingerprinting to the two kinds of miniature pigs Various endonucleases can produce various DNA fingerprint bands, but the analytical results of similarity coefficients are identical, suggesting that the two kinds of miniature pigs meet the requirements of closed colony
Journal of Third Military Medical University
国家重点基础研究发展规划资助项目 ("973"项目 ) (G2 0 0 0 0 16 10 6 )
国家"九五"科技攻关项目 ( 96 2 3 0 6 0 1)
国家自然科学基金资助重点项目 ( 39830 190 )