
茶多酚(TP)对家禽免疫功能的研究 被引量:40

Study of tea polyphenols on the immune responses of poultry
摘要 选用14日龄健康的海佩科内用仔鸡48羽,随机分成试验(24羽)和对照(24羽)两组.试验组在饲粮中添加0.25%的茶多酚(TP),研究TP对鸡免疫功能的作用.试验结果表明,TP对自然感染法氏囊病鸡,有明显提高(p<0.05)鸡血液中红细胞C_(3b)受体和免疫复合物的含量及保护鸡脾脏正常的免疫功能,同时也发现TP对公母鸡法氏囊的重量有不同影响.本试验表明,TP具有提高家禽免疫功能的作用. Forty-eight Hypeco broiler chickens of 14 day-old were divided into 2 groups for different treatments. Supple-mental TP (Tea Polyphenols) were provided in the diets of treatments at calculated levels of 0. 00% and 0. 25% to study the effect of TP on the immune response of poultry. Results showed that TP significantly increased (p<0. 05) the contents of C3b receptor and immunocomplexes on erythrocytes of chickens and protected normal immune function of spleen from infectious bursal disease virus with spontaneous infectious bur-sal disease in chickens. The chickens that received 0. 25% TP exhibited significant difference (p<0. 05) in the weights of fabricius bursals with sex. The results indicated that TP significantly increased the immune function of poultry.
出处 《浙江农业大学学报》 CSCD 1992年第4期74-76,共3页
基金 国家自然科学基金
关键词 茶多酚 免疫功能 家禽 tea polyphenols (TP) brioler immunity C3b receptor immunocomplexes
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