目的 研究静脉留置针在不同留置时间内静脉血管内血栓形成和血栓性质变化的相关性。方法 将种系相同,体重相近的大耳新西兰健康白兔随机分成两组,取其双耳内外侧的耳缘静脉作为实验血管,进行静脉留置针输液,以相同的速度在同耳内外侧分别输入等量的0.9%氯化钠30ml,每日一次。输液完毕后用肝素盐水封管,分别保留72~96h和120~168h后,局部取材进行病理观察。结果静脉留置针保留72~96h血管内多以新鲜血栓为主,发病率为68%,而机化血栓为5%,留置120~168h者血管内多以机化血栓为主,发病率为50%。结论 静脉留置针留置时间在120~168h者机化血栓发生率显著高于留置时间在72~96h者。临床上留置针保留时间可参照考虑。
Objective To study the relationship between thrombus formation and change of thrombus property in venous blood tube in the different retaining time of I.V.catheter system.Method Health New Zealand rabbits with the same kind and weight were selected and randomly divided into two groups.The veins at the outside and inside edges of the two ears were taken as experimental blood tube for the infusion with I.V.catheter system.The same a-mount of sodium chloride liquid with 0.9% content was infused once daily at the same speed, blocked with heparin salt water after it and retained for 72~96 hours and 120~168 hours respectively.Samples partially were taken for pathological observation.Result When I.V.catheter system was retained for 72 to 96 hours, It was mainly new thrombus formed, which account for 68%.The organized thrombus account for 5% only.When it retained for 120~168 hours, it was mainly the organized thrombus with a rate of 50%.Conclusion The organized thrombus rate in 120~168 retaining hours is obviously higher than those retained for 72-90.It is suggested that clinical retaining time for I.V catheter system should be considered with reference.
Journal of Nurses Training
I.V.catheter system Retaining time Thrombus