共同富裕是社会主义的本质特征 ,是社会主义的长远目标 ,是全体人民物质文化生活的富裕 ;共同富裕必须以生产力的高度发展为基础 ;共同富裕不是同时、同步、同等富裕。实现共同富裕的手段是让一部分地区、一部分人先富起来。现阶段我国社会的收入差距是在我国国民经济持续快速发展的基础上 ,在人民总体收入水平普遍提高的过程中产生的收入差距 ,是在共同富裕的目标下先富后富的差别 ,它不包含两极分化的内容。
Common prosperity is the basic character of socialism and the long-term objective of socialism. It includes both well-off material life and colorful life in culture and is based on highly-developed productive forces. Common prosperity can't be realized at the same time and the same step. The ways we realize common prosperity are to let some regions and some people become rich first. The present income gap between the rich and the poor occurs in the course that all people's income has increased, so it is quite different from polarization.
Productivity Research