介绍了垃圾焚烧与污染控制技术及在国内的应用状况 ,对北京市垃圾焚烧处理发展进行了探讨 ,提出北京市垃圾处理应该填埋和焚烧相结合。根据北京市生活垃圾产量、增长率、现有填埋场使用寿命等因素预测 ,北京应该在未来建成 3~ 4座 1 0 0 0t/d处理规模的垃圾焚烧厂。
The paper introduces the Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) incineration and air pollution control technologies, as well as its application in China. The paper discusses the development of MSW incineration in Beijing and proposed that treatment of Beijing MSW should adopt integrated management system including landfill and incineration technologies. It has been estimated that Beijing should establish 3~4 incineration plants on a scale of 1 000 t/d for each in the future based on MSW output, increasing rate, landfill fields life for use. The paper discusses the supporting measures for development of MSW incineration in Beijing yet.
Urban Management and Science & Technology